David Walsh: List do Ludomira Mączki

 Scout Camp,
Mount Keira,
N. S. W.   2500.
                                                                                                                                                                               27th  Dec, 1979                                                                                                                                                                                        Dear Ludomir,

I have just received a‘phone call from John Booth telling me that they have received a letter from you in which you send Christmas greetings also that you are temporarily established in Fremantle. The main interest to us was to learn that you had arrived safely in Australia and that all going well you will be back to see us about Easter time. That was really good news and pleased me a great deal for I had certainly been thinking about you and wondering where you were and how you were getting along. Now I have your address I am straight away sending you this brief communication to first wish you the compliments of the season and fair winds and good sailing and happy times for 1980, also to let you know that we are keenly looking forward to meeting you again. I must confess that I am also keenly anticipating the excitement of once again making contract with “Maria”, to feel the deck under my feet and to absorb the atmosphere of security and friendship that grew part of me during my brief association with you and “Maria”, both in a mid Tasman Sea gale or the calm of being ashore at Darwin. Yesterday I watched the start of race to Hobart, well over a hundred beautiful sailing craft, many with massive, brilliantly coloured spinnakers making a most impressive spectacle, but even then I was recollecting my experiences on “Maria”, and honestly, there was not a craft among that mighty fleet that I would exchange for your wonderful little sailing vessel. But enough of this, I could go on and on with my thoughts dominated by an imagination which keeps returning to “Maria”.

We are all quite well and the whole family group assembled for Xmas festivities which was most enjoyable. Marion and I keep very busy with our association with many divers activities. Marion concluded her Bachelor of arts degree most successfully with five distinctions, and is now occupied with research for some sections of University. I don’t know which of my activities I should refer to, which might interest you, and I don’t want to appear egotistical, talking about myself, however I had what I consider a most unique priviledge, being selected to represent one of only three community groups to address the Cabinet of the N. S. W. Government when they met in Wollongong.

Sorry for selden conclusion.
Wishing you all the very best,



David Walsh i Ludek_fot.K.Jasica_1976  Dave Walsh i Ludomir Mączka w rejsie z Wollongong (Australia) do Nowej Zelandii; 1976 r. Toast winem jeżynowym. Fot. K. Jasica

W Wollongong Ludek poznał Davida Walsha, który w latach 1938 – 1939 żeglował z Władysławem Wagnerem na Zjawie III z Australii do Anglii. Tak oto wspominał Ludek spotkanie z Walshem:  „…Przyszedł do mnie starszy pan, przyniósł zdjęcie Zjawy III, i powiedział, że on płynął tym jachtem z Australii do Anglii. Bardzo ciekawy człowiek, emerytowany górnik, działacz skautowy, był nawet szefem ośrodka skautów na  Mt. Keira, koło Wollongong. Miał szerokie zainteresowania. Zaprzyjaźniłem się z nim; dzięki niemu nawiązałem kontakty z Polakami w Wollongong, z tzw światem nauki z miejscowego uniwersytetu, a także z radioamatorami. Odnalazł dla mnie Johna Mattesitcha, z którym miałem łączność radiową na oceanie. Któregoś dnia zaproponowałem mu wspólny rejs Marią do Nowej Zelandii. Zjawił się wkrótce z ciuchami i skrzynką wina jeżynowego…”

Spotkanie na Marii Le Havre 1991- od lewej Dave Walsh, L.Jacob, Francis Dumarsky, Ludek Maczka_fot.Louis B Spotkanie na Marii, Le Havre 1991 r. Od lewej Dave Walsh, Jean Lossec, Francis Dumarsky, Ludek Mączka. Fot. George Bourque

Ludek_David Walsh_Kazik Jasica 1976r. Ludomir Mączka, Dave Walsh, Kazimierz Jasica na Marii, 1976 rok. Fot. z arch. W. Jacobsona